1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 spawn_local (async move { let (tx, rx) = oneshot::channel::<IdbDatabase>(); let window = web_sys::window ().unwrap (); let idb_factory = window.indexed_db ().unwrap ().unwrap (); let open_request = idb_factory .open_with_u32 (String::from ("todo" ).as_str (), 1 ) .unwrap (); let on_upgradeneeded = Closure::once (move |event: &Event| { let target = event.target ().expect ("Event should have a target; qed" ); let req = target .dyn_ref::<IdbRequest>() .expect ("Event target is IdbRequest; qed" ); let result = req .result () .expect ("IndexedDB.onsuccess should have a valid result; qed" ); assert! (result.is_instance_of::<IdbDatabase>()); let db = IdbDatabase::from (result); let store :IdbObjectStore = db.create_object_store (&String::from ("user" )).unwrap (); let _index = store.create_index_with_str (&String::from ("name" ), &String::from ("name" )).expect ("create_index_with_str error" ); }); open_request.set_onupgradeneeded (Some (on_upgradeneeded.as_ref ().unchecked_ref ())); on_upgradeneeded.forget (); let on_success = Closure::once (move |event: &Event| { let target = event.target ().expect ("Event should have a target; qed" ); let req = target .dyn_ref::<IdbRequest>() .expect ("Event target is IdbRequest; qed" ); let result = req .result () .expect ("IndexedDB.onsuccess should have a valid result; qed" ); assert! (result.is_instance_of::<IdbDatabase>()); let db = IdbDatabase::from (result); let _ = tx.send (db); }); open_request.set_onsuccess (Some (on_success.as_ref ().unchecked_ref ())); on_success.forget (); let db = rx.await .unwrap (); let transaction = db.transaction_with_str_and_mode (&String::from ("user" ), IdbTransactionMode::Readwrite).expect ("transaction_with_str error" ); let store = transaction.object_store (&String::from ("user" )).expect ("store error" ); let name = JsValue::from_str (_content_element.value ().as_str ()); let add_request = store.add_with_key (&name, &JsValue::from ("name" )).expect ("add error" ); let on_add_error = Closure::once (move |event: &Event| { console::log_1 (&String::from ("写入数据失败" ).into ()); console::log_1 (&event.into ()); }); add_request.set_onerror (Some (on_add_error.as_ref ().unchecked_ref ())); on_add_error.forget (); let on_add_success = Closure::once (move |event: &Event| { console::log_1 (&String::from ("写入数据成功" ).into ()); }); add_request.set_onsuccess (Some (on_add_success.as_ref ().unchecked_ref ())); on_add_success.forget (); console::log_1 (&String::from ("do" ).into ()); });
1 2 let myDatabase = MyDatabase::new ();myDatabase.add (String::from ("jasper" , String::from ("name" )));
早期的时候甚至不知道如何用Rust设置回调,最后发现了这个库kvdb_web ,代码也是参考了indexed_db.rs
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 spawn_local (async { let (tx, rx) = oneshot::channel::<i32 >(); let on_success = Closure::once (move |event: &Event| { let target = event.target ().expect ("Event should have a target; qed" ); let req = target .dyn_ref::<IdbRequest>() .expect ("Event target is IdbRequest; qed" ); let result = req .result () .expect ("IndexedDB.onsuccess should have a valid result; qed" ); assert! (result.is_instance_of::<IdbDatabase>()); let db = IdbDatabase::from (result); let _ = tx.send (db); }); open_request.set_onsuccess (Some (on_success.as_ref ().unchecked_ref ())); on_success.forget (); let db = rx.await .unwrap (); })
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 let window = web_sys::window ().unwrap ();let idb_factory = window.indexed_db ().unwrap ().unwrap ();let open_request = idb_factory .open_with_u32 (String::from ("todo" ).as_str (), 1 ) .unwrap (); let on_upgradeneeded = Closure::once (move |event: &Event| { let target = event.target ().expect ("Event should have a target; qed" ); let req = target .dyn_ref::<IdbRequest>() .expect ("Event target is IdbRequest; qed" ); let result = req .result () .expect ("IndexedDB.onsuccess should have a valid result; qed" ); assert! (result.is_instance_of::<IdbDatabase>()); let db = IdbDatabase::from (result); let store : IdbObjectStore = db.create_object_store (&String::from ("user" )).unwrap (); let _index = store .create_index_with_str (&String::from ("name" ), &String::from ("name" )) .expect ("create_index_with_str error" ); }); open_request.set_onupgradeneeded (Some (on_upgradeneeded.as_ref ().unchecked_ref ())); on_upgradeneeded.forget (); let on_success = Closure::once (move |event: &Event| { let target = event.target ().expect ("Event should have a target; qed" ); let req = target .dyn_ref::<IdbRequest>() .expect ("Event target is IdbRequest; qed" ); let result = req .result () .expect ("IndexedDB.onsuccess should have a valid result; qed" ); assert! (result.is_instance_of::<IdbDatabase>()); let db = IdbDatabase::from (result); let transaction = db .transaction_with_str_and_mode (&String::from ("user" ), IdbTransactionMode::Readwrite) .expect ("transaction_with_str error" ); let store = transaction .object_store (&String::from ("user" )) .expect ("store error" ); let name = JsValue::from_str (_content_element.value ().as_str ()); let add_request = store .add_with_key (&name, &JsValue::from ("name" )) .expect ("add error" ); let on_add_error = Closure::once (move |event: &Event| { console::log_1 (&String::from ("写入数据失败" ).into ()); console::log_1 (&event.into ()); }); add_request.set_onerror (Some (on_add_error.as_ref ().unchecked_ref ())); on_add_error.forget (); let on_add_success = Closure::once (move |event: &Event| { console::log_1 (&String::from ("写入数据成功" ).into ()); }); add_request.set_onsuccess (Some (on_add_success.as_ref ().unchecked_ref ())); on_add_success.forget (); }); open_request.set_onsuccess (Some (on_success.as_ref ().unchecked_ref ())); on_success.forget ();
总结 至此算是把IndexedDB
这个框架跟传统的还不太一样,用trunk serve